After turning on the computer, some systems will directly enter the operating system, while others require a password to be entered. Many users find it inconvenient to enter the password and want to disable the startup password. So, how to disable the sta

After turning on the computer, some systems will directly enter the operating system, while others require a password to be entered. Many users find it inconvenient to enter the password and want to disable the startup password. So, how to disable the startup password for a Win8.1 system? If you are not sure about it, you can refer to the following article content.


1. Log in to the Win8.1 system, then use the shortcut key Win+Q to open the search bar.

2. In the search bar, type Netplwiz, select the corresponding program and press Enter or click it.

3. Follow the settings in the screenshot (remove the checkmark in the red box), then restart the computer.

The above is the method for disabling the startup password for Win8.1 system. We only need to open the user account, uncheck the box next to "Users must enter a username and password to use this computer," and finally, confirm the restart of the computer to take effect.